About Me

photo of katrin bartels

In love with prototyping, ux design and code.

A relationship-builder dedicated to digital transformation. Experienced in key account and project management. Professional communicator and forward thinker, able to develop solutions to a variety of complex problems and challenges in dynamic environments. After I graduated in business administration I worked for 8 years in the field of sales and marketing in different positions and companies. In 2014 I wrote my first line code and since then I wanted to dive deeper into code and the digital world. In July 2016 I started to code fulltime. When I am not in front of my computer you can find my at a conference about digital trends or participating in a hackathon.

Key Skills

  • Experienced in managing projects and accounts in highly dynamic environments
  • Customer-focused consulting capabilities
  • Certified communication skills
  • Applied online marketing skills
  • Entrepreneurial mindset
  • Proven problem solving abilities
  • High willingness to learn

Programming Languages/Tools

  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • Bootstrap
  • Java
  • Ruby
  • Google Analytics
  • Android Studio

Water Fox

Single Screen Android App build in Android Studio. Final project Berlin Android Study Jam in December 2016. With the app Water Fox you can track how much water you drink.

Court Counter

Single Screen Android App build in Android Studio. Project during the course Android for beginner at Udacity. You can use it to count the buckets during a basketball game.

learn more

I am curious about technology and and one year ago I've participated in a course to learn the basics of coding. Ever since then I wanted to enhance my coding skills and in July 2016 I've decide to leave my job and start fulltime. Since then I have become a member of Rubymonstas a group of women who meet weekly and code together in Ruby, participated in hackathons, went to digital conferences and contests, met awesome people and didn't regret my decision for a second.
  • 2nd prize @'Hack like a girl' hackathon organized by GeekGirls Carrots in Berlin 2016
  • Prize for the best Spotify API hack @'bothack' hackathon organized by TLGG in Berlin 2016
  • Top 10 Panda Women in Digital Leadership 2016
  • Successfully finished the Android Beginners course @Udacity from Google
When it comes to my next position I am very open. I would love to work in a company which is using agile methods and where I can grow my knowledge and gain experience. A mentoring program would be great. I would love to be a product manager as well as a junior developer or serve as an interface between development and customer or product.

Contact me

Do you have further questions?

Drop me a line!


Berlin, Germany

say hello.